The Queensland Premier has blamed the Federal Government's lack of approval for new mines in the worsening unemployment situation in his state.

Premier Campbell Newman claims that stalled approvals on several Galilee Basin mining projects are costing jobs in Queensland, after the state experienced some of the most rapid economic growth in recent years due to a resource industry expansion.

Mr Newman says there could be 10,000 new jobs in the state if the Federal Government allowed the new coal mines to go ahead. He was responsible for the sacking of around 14,000 public sector workers last year, which could have impacted unemployment figures too.

A report showing a snapshot of the current Queensland economy has been released showing Queensland recorded a jobless rate of 6.4 per cent in June - its highest rate in almost a decade and considerably higher than the national average of 5.7 per cent.

Economic analysts the Deloitte group say despite foreseeing a rough ride in the next few years, Queensland's long-term economic outlook is good.