Staff and employers in the transport sector benefit greatly from workplace well-being programs, a new report says.

Research conducted by employment services group DTC has found an investment in employees’ well-being and sense of worth provides a direct cost benefit back to transport and logistics employers of more than $13,000 annually per employee. The data also suggests happy workers are a great deal less likely to be absent from work.

DTC CEO Michele Grow says: “We all know that looking after employees is the right thing to do for the health of your people, but now we know it’s also the right thing for the financial strength of your business... far from being just a ‘tick-the-box’ exercise, this data shows that taking an active role in supporting your staff can reap significant dividends for the business.”

The data pertaining to the transport and logistics industry comes from an overall survey of employee well-being across a range of industries, after DMC surveyed about 4,700 individuals on an annual basis.

Normally not made public, the DTC statistics show the tangible economic rewards for investment in well-being, with researchers claiming a cost benefit of $13,153.44 per person.

In the transport and logistics industry emotional well-being showed the greatest improvement following at-work well-being programs. Surveyors reported a massive 92 per cent improvement rate, followed by morale and motivation in the workplace, with an improvement rate of 56 per cent. Transport and logistics smashed the average on each of the measures.

A summary of the DTC figures is available here.